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关于静的说说 一个人安静的心情说说

个性说说 2024-07-13 08:01
简介关于静的说说 一个人安静的心情说说1、每次都是因为突来的噩耗,使原本宁静的心变得乌云密布,甚至可能打雷下雨。1. Every time because of the sudden b..


1. Every time because of the sudden bad news, the original quiet heart becomes dark clouds, or even thunder and rain.


2. Life is very dramatic, from hopelessness to expectation, from disappointment to hopelessness, from loneliness to company, from separation to loneliness. Around, or a person, but no longer that person.


3. If life is a journey, then no matter prosperous or lonely, its a passing moment, leaving a feeling of seeing the scenery. With great love, the sublime will follow you; with others, the true feelings will return you; with gratitude, the noble will favor you.


4. A story is a story after all. Life continues. When all emotions are deeply buried in the bottom of my heart, what I miss may only be a deep feeling. Each others love, met when has missed. Behind the time, go alone. Time is cold, memory is cold. I believe that one day, finally calm, quiet think of you.


5. Water is as smooth as a mirror. Water, with a calm and light heart, flows gently. When encountering obstacles, it will bypass gently, never mind. The heart is flat and light, flowing freely. Cloud, free in, floating in the sky, stretches and floats, leaving no trace, free and peaceful. Life, put the heart flat, is a calm water; put the heart light, is a free cloud.


6. After the heavy rain, it was very quiet around. I crawled out of my house quietly! Im a coward. If someone wants to touch my tentacles, Ill come back to my house quickly. So, leave me alone and dont disturb me!

7、草在结它的种子,风在摇它的叶子。我们站着,不说话,就十分美好。 顾城 《门前》

7. The grass is bearing its seeds, and the wind is shaking its leaves. Its very nice for us to stand and not talk. Gu Chengs in front of the gate


8. There is no clamor or, only silence and aftertaste. Simple vision, naive action. This is what childhood is like. So good... Feel the sweet notes and the ethereal music world! ~Banderis piano music childhood


9. In this noisy world, yearning for a quiet, yearning for fate is providence, part is man-made,


10. No matter how crowded the world is, let the heart beat freely. Meet the sunshine in the quiet corner, let every moment of life free. This morning, the crowded bus made Xiaobian feel fidgety. When he opened his cell phone, he happened to see this sentence on the magazine lock screen. His heart suddenly calmed down. Well, yes, no matter how quiet you are, put your inner abundance in a plain and quiet day. Keep the quiet beauty of the window years with the gentle words. In the fleeting years, make a Qinghuan, smile and look at the time. A touch of care, over the four seasons round will be sprinkled with a different rhyme color, a unique quiet, in the bottom of my heart, quietly bloom.



