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关于幸福的爱情说说 珍惜幸福说说心情短语

个性说说 2024-07-14 09:12
简介关于幸福的爱情说说 珍惜幸福说说心情短语1、爱没到时,我的世界是空的,你的出现♀我的世界变得温暖 有了颜色,你已填满了我的世界1. When love doesnt arrive..

1、爱没到时,我的世界是空的,你的出现♀我的世界变得温暖 有了颜色,你已填满了我的世界

1. When love doesnt arrive, my world is empty. When you appear, my world becomes warm and colorful. You have filled my world

2、想与你拥抱 即使知道万劫不复 即使会掉下万丈深渊 我也义无反顾 只要你也愿意

2. If I want to hug you, even if I know that there will be no end, even if I will fall into the abyss, I will never turn back as long as you are willing to


3. Happiness is to meet the right person at the corner.

4、寂寞是笑靥后的思念,孤单是月夜下的徘徊。2、就算我视力再差,在茫茫人海中,我一眼就能认出你,而且准确无误。3、爱,始于自我欺骗,终于欺骗他人,这就是所谓的浪漫。4、明知道不可能 ,却还是抱着一丝希望。5、没有谁说过一生只能爱一个人,亦没有谁说过,重新开始是...

4. Loneliness is the yearning after the dimple, loneliness is the wandering under the moon night. 2. Even if I have poor eyesight, I can recognize you at a glance in the vast sea of people, and it is accurate. 3. Love begins with self deception and ends with deception, which is called romance. 4. I know its impossible, but I still hope. 5. No one said that one can only love one person in life, and no one said that the restart is

5、没有甜言/密语/外表, 只有唯一爱你的心/足以。www.fangjial.com

5. There is no sweet words / secret words / appearance, only one heart / enough to love you.

6、将甜蜜的味道寄存在心底,让快乐的感觉永久地持续,把爱情的希冀用痴心打包,勇敢地背起,用我深深的祝福铸就你今生的甜蜜,愿快乐与你不离不弃! 二、多少个日子里,我们彼此相隔万里,心却紧紧在一起从未分离,距离把我们的地域分开却从未让我们彼此的...

6. Send the sweet taste to the bottom of your heart, let the feeling of happiness last forever, pack the hope of love with infatuation, bear it bravely, cast the sweetness of your life with my deep blessing, and wish happiness and you will never leave! 2、 How many days, we are thousands of miles apart from each other, but our hearts are tightly together and never separated, distance separates our regions but never lets us each other


7. Like is light love, love is deep like.


8. My love only you cherish, my heart only you understand, my love only you receive


9. Love you, is a kind of warm sorrow, is a romantic feelings, is a gentle posture, but also a want to say and have to say love!


10. Happiness, you can get what you want. Sometimes, its always around people; sometimes, its thousands of miles away from you; sometimes, its budding and growing in your young heart;


11. As long as I can be with you, its not a pity to lose everything.


12. I dont want a big house, a princesss life. I just want you, love me, love me forever.


13. Thank you for the infinite wisdom and energy that knowledge has given us to become strong and confident,


14. Let love stand the fleeting years, and the most precious is the hand in hand and happiness.


15. Put down the body, in exchange for respect and trust, to get understanding and support; put down the shelf, to win applause and hearts, to achieve success and joy; put down fame and wealth, to relax the mind and life, to have happiness and joy!


16. The most terrible thing in life is to regret and live at the same time.


17. You are like air, every minute, without you, my blood and heart will stop beating.

18、道可道,非常道!人生比的就是谁更接近实相,谁更能使用宇宙能量2、为什么你每次都要用早点睡吧晚安来结束我的所有企图和欲言又止3、我们渐渐的放开了对方的手4、一个人吃自助 去拿吃的还要担心桌子被收了这是孤独5、关于来世生活许诺的神话,那只是神话...

18、 Dao can be Dao, very Dao! Life is better than who is closer to reality and who can use cosmic energy better. 2. Why do you have to go to bed earlier every time? Good night to end all my attempts and desires. 3. We gradually let go of each others hands. 4. A person who eats and helps himself to get food should worry about the table being taken away. 5. The myth about the promise of life in the future is just a myth


19. I hope my little shoulder can give you great warmth.


20. I cant give you the whole world, but I can give you the whole world. As long as you need it.



