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关于懂我的说说 懂我的人自然会懂说说

个性说说 2024-08-01 08:01
简介关于懂我的说说 懂我的人自然会懂说说1、与其热闹着引人夺目,步步紧逼,不如趋向做一个人群之中真实自然的人,不张扬,不虚饰,随时保持退后的位置。心有..


1. Its better to be a real and natural person in a group of people, not to publicize, not to pretend, and to stay in a backward position at any time, rather than to be dazzling and pressing step by step. I have my mind set. I just focus on things.


2. If one day, you want to leave me, I will choose silence, because your happiness is more important than my retention.


3. Life often plays a joke on us, twists and turns, how much we get and how much we lose


4. Because I know you are a child who is easy to worry about, so I give the line to you and dare not fly too far. No matter I fly to the clouds with the wind, I hope you can see. Even if I occasionally get lost, I know you are waiting for me.


5. I am afraid of recollection. The beauty that recollection cant come back is the hurt to myself.


6. When we were thirty years old, we were twenty years old and no longer came back. How wonderful it is to miss our thirtieth birthday at the age of fifty. When we were ninety-nine years old, we thought that the years of our life would be so peaceful, and we might be as happy as a thief who hasnt been caught. The beauty of time lies in its inevitable passing. Spring flowers, autumn moon, summer, winter snow. Believe in life and time.


7. Dont let go of your hand!


8. If you have something to say, say it boldly. Maybe the person you like still likes you


9. I graduated in a few days, but I dont want this to be our last time together


10. It hurts more to get and lose than never to get.


11. Sorry, squat down and hug yourself.


12. I give you love failed, you say I just your love probation.

13、无法拒绝的是开始 ,无法抗拒的是结束。

13. What cant be denied is the beginning, and what cant be denied is the end.


14. The best feeling in the world is to know someone is thinking about you.


15. People who understand me dont need to explain. People who dont understand me dont need to explain.



