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关于失而复得的说说 失而复得很激动的说说
1、有你的夏天过去了,没你的冬天怎么活? 花花??
1. How can I live without your summer? Huahua?
2. When we meet the killing field, we can only say that time is right. If I met you hundreds of years ago, killing Qianmo is killing thousands of swords. The end of ryusha is the best proof. Only when you lose can you cherish. Its a pity that the dead have gone and the living are only repenting. Whats the use? Whats the difference between Zhou you wang and Shang Zhou? Is it really happy to be rejected by the world?
3. As long as my palm still has temperature, I will always be your way back!!! Finally, I understand the concept of cherishing after I lose it. It hurts my heart.
4. The feeling of lost and recovered is better than the first time.
5. Sometimes I want to cry, but I just cant cry. Sometimes I cant cry, but I dont want to cry
6. Happiness comes so suddenly, so does the exam
7. Opportunity is like a naughty child, playing hide and seek with you at a fork in life.
8. Man, thats it. I always cherish it after I lose it. I understand it after I hurt it. But now its too late! The relationship between us is too fast and too busy to say I love you! Someone, wish you happiness!
9、以为自己在自己是最爱的人的心里算是最好 所以自己亦是以为够了 其实也不过如此。
9. I think Im the best in the heart of the one I love the most, so I also think Im enough, but its also the same.
10. Seeing the lost necklace, she put her hands to her mouth excitedly.
11. If you are drunk, you know the wine is strong. If you are in love, you know the wine is heavy. Emotional things, always dont know how to cherish when you have them, only when you lose them can you know how precious they are. There are two kinds of medicines that human beings can never invent, one is the water of forgetting love, the other is the medicine of regret. When you are young, you dont cherish, understand and understand. When you are old, its too late to regret. Cherish what you have now.
12. These are not things you can get back from standing in the living room holding a souvenir.
13. Scientists have found that lost wallets with pictures of babies are most likely to be recovered.
14. A lot of things are like this. When he is by your side, you dont know how to cherish him. Until you lose him, you will find that he has taken root in your heart. Its really painful to pull it out. We all know how to cherish only after losing.
15. Sometimes in life, there must be. Dont force me when there is no time in life! Hope that the treasure should not wait to lose to know how to cherish!
16. In order to an unreal fantasy, lost the most dependent people, once like is just a fantasy, but love has been branded in the bottom of my heart. Why do you always know how to cherish the person in front of you after losing? Its no use regretting, just hope shes all right. Cant bear to hurt a girls heart
17. Im just a young man. I dont have anything to do with you. You dont have to do anything with me. Dont look at yourself like anything
18. Two years later, the painting was recovered at a hotel in Florence.
19. I dont know how to cherish until I leave. What I can do is to treat every friendship seriously and feel the warmth brought by everyone. Thank you for your company.
20. The sunshine after the rain is particularly dazzling, and the lost and recovered feelings are particularly precious!
21. To cherish is to gain from loss; to be afraid is to lose again.
22. You are not qualified to play with my love. If you dare to play, I will kill you!
23. The ending of this story is very good. Everything in every country is lost and recovered.
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