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关于六一儿童节的说说 今天六一儿童节的说说

个性说说 2024-08-03 09:08
简介关于六一儿童节的说说 今天六一儿童节的说说1、六一到了,亲爱的孩子们,你们再也不会像父母一样玩泥巴,再也不会节日里只憧憬几块糖果,再也不会一年盼来一件新..


1. Here comes June 1, dear children. You will never play mud like your parents. You will never look forward to a few sweets in the festival. You will never look forward to a new dress in a year. You will never be able to watch TV on the festival. Happy June 1!


2. I will never be like a child again. Happy 61!


3. When childrens day comes, I wish you who used to be a child: youth is not old, keep a pure heart, have a sweet smile, childlike skin, carefree life state, have fantasy and vision for the future!


4. I moved my stool to the playground and waited for the start of the celebration. I was waiting for the moment when I suddenly thought of the children in the south alliance. They could sit in the classroom and study like us and spend the six happily. What about childrens day? Of course not, because NATO, led by the United States, bombed their homeland for nearly two months, making them homeless, refugees, and countless innocent children were killed and injured. Therefore, I hope that NATO will stop the bombing of Yugoslavia as soon as possible, return a peace to the Yugoslav people, and a happy festival for the children and children of Yugoslavia, so that those children and children in the shelling can enjoy this wonderful time as we do. The century needs peace, and our children need peace even more.


5. Let lazy sheep teach you when to steal a little lazy. Let meiyangyang tell you how to carry out the stink. Together with pleasant goat, we beat grey wolf. I wish you a happy childrens day.

6、◆丶 那六一儿童节,不再是我们的花季。

6, childrens Day is no longer our flower season.

7、别动,抢劫!这是抢劫!懂吗?快拿出你的忧愁,交出你的伤心,掏出你的烦恼,摘下你的哀伤,喏!换上这个,我送来的快乐!祝六一儿童节快乐 !

7. Dont move, rob! This is robbery! Do you understand? Take out your sorrow, give up your sorrow, take out your trouble, take off your sorrow, here! Put this on, I sent you happiness! Happy childrens day.

8、你看!太阳公公笑得多开心呀!那一张张可爱的笑脸,一阵阵欢快的歌声,多么幸福啊我们的校园多热闹呀!告诉你们吧, 是我们的节六一儿童节。

8. Look! How happy grandpa sun laughs! That lovely smiling faces, bursts of happy songs, how happy our campus is! Tell you, its our childrens day.


9. Hey, today, for the sake of their festival, the students have revealed their own artistic specialty, some say cross talk, some perform skits, some sing, some dance, they are all wonderful. The students laugh with their back and forth, the warm applause is higher than a while, and the happy laughter is higher than a while!


10. Dear son, Im sorry that your father hasnt caught up with your mother yet. Please wait a little longer. I wish you a happy June 1 holiday in advance.



