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微信伤感说说痛到心碎 沮丧颓废的句子合集

伤感说说 2024-03-20 08:08
简介微信伤感说说痛到心碎 沮丧颓废的句子合集每个人都会有伤春悲秋的时候,这时候都渴望能有一些伤感的说说能够表达自己内心真实的情感。伤感的说说不仅能抒发我们..


1.后来有很多个阴天 我却不愿淋雨再去见你

1. I didnt want to see you in the rain for many cloudy days


2. The lyrics of single cycle are full of regrets

3.我的心里只剩阴暗和孤独 没有小鹿了

3. My heart is only dark and lonely without fawn

4.当你放不下他的时候 多想想他是怎么放下你的

4. When you cant let him go, think more about how he let you go

5.冬天来了 可你没来

5. Winter comes but you dont


6. The person you cant let go may have already found someone to replace you.

7.你是放过我了 可是夜晚没有

7. You let me go, but not at night

微信伤感说说痛到心碎 沮丧颓废的句子合集1

Wechat sad to heartbroken, depressed and decadent sentences collection 1


8. No wonder people are crowded and I cant keep you.

9.童话已经结束 遗忘就是幸福

9. The fairy tale is over. Forgetting is happiness

10.以后得以后 不会等待 纵然你在

10. I will not wait for you in the future


11. The reason why I cant forget is that I know I cant have it in this life.

12.听说把枕头哭湿 晚上可以梦到大海

12. Its said that you can dream of the sea when you wet your pillow at night


13. From strangers to strangers, thats our story.

14.我也想失而复得 可我怕重蹈覆辙

14. I want to get back, but Im afraid to do the same

15.糟糕的不是生活 而是我吧

15. Its not life, its me

16.如果爱恨两难 不如放我归山

16. If love hate dilemma, let me go back to the mountain


17. You are clearly there, but this life has nothing to do with me.

微信伤感说说痛到心碎 沮丧颓废的句子合集2

Wechat sad to heartbroken, depressed and decadent sentence Collection 2

18.世间难熬 连神明都在劫难逃

18. The world is so difficult that even the gods are doomed

19.日子总是有意思的 了无生趣的是打不起精神的你

19. The days are always interesting. Whats not interesting is that you cant get up

20.你怎么这么懂事啊 连崩溃的时候都不发出任何声响

20. Why are you so sensible that you dont make any noise even when you break down


21. I am the only one left to keep the promises I made for the rest of my life.


22. For a moment, our door opened. But we are all afraid of injuries.

23.不要被廉价的语言所感动 毕竟说话不需要成本

23. Dont be moved by cheap language. After all, speaking doesnt cost anything


24. We didnt know each other from the beginning to the end. In the story of passing away, you owe me a treasure.


25. Saying nothing is our past, saying nothing is our end.


26. Once we walked through the busy street hand in hand, now Im alone.


27. A toast to your carelessness, a toast to my own amorous. Since then, you and I have no future.


28. Appropriateness is really more important than liking. Later, you chose appropriateness, but I lost to liking.



