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周末的搞笑说说 幽默周末说说心情短语

个性说说 2024-06-13 09:17
简介周末的搞笑说说 幽默周末说说心情短语1、这次发信息,主要有三个目的:一是联络感情;二是打发时间;三是送句特有技术含量的话:天冷了,窝里垫点草!周末快乐..


1. This time, there are three main purposes of sending messages: first, to connect with feelings; second, to pass the time; third, to send a sentence with special technical content: its cold, put some grass in the nest! Happy weekend!

2、每场恋爱的开始就是为了结束,然后很潇洒地说声拜拜,那就OK了,到了下一场换场游戏 说简单点,谈恋爱就跟打游戏一样,只要有了战略,买了武器,就应该过关斩将,通关到底了对吧。

2. The beginning of every love is to end, and then its very natural to say goodbye, thats OK. When it comes to the next game change, its easy to say that falling in love is the same as playing games. As long as theres a strategy and a weapon, you should go through the customs and get through the customs, right.


3. A lousy person does lousy things. There is no need to say unnecessary things for lousy troubles


4. I really want to invite you to experience KTV! Do you know what KTV is? Its k you, t you, and finally Ill make a V gesture! Yeah!


5. On Saturday and Saturday, everything is smooth and smooth, and the wind is smooth and the water is pleasant. On Sunday and Sunday, everything is going well and everything is going well. The wind blows away, the water delivers the money to carry on, the family circle industry prospers to contend for the upper reaches, may you go up a higher level. When you are free, you will be friends, and your feelings will be stronger. When you have time, you will always be in touch with each other. I wish you all the best in life and happiness.


6. Monday is like a sheep, Tuesday is like a donkey, Wednesday is like an ant, Thursday is like a cow, Friday is like a dog, weekend is like a pig. Did you have a good time at the weekend?


7. A wisp of thoughts is hard to express, a short message has been brewing for a long time, a blessing has quietly arrived, and a kind of happiness is born spontaneously. Come to the weekend, let the missing message fly over the mountains, across the sea, to the direction of you, send you a sentence: happy weekend!


8. Whether its yesterday, today or tomorrow, its a beautiful day to be suddenly cheerful; whether its family, friendship or love, its a good feeling to cherish forever; whether its Monday, Tuesday or weekend, its a happy day to be relaxed every day. So send a customized message with good luck and happiness from Monday to Sunday. Wish you a happy weekend!


9. I still sigh that I was a little man in those days. Look at the present time. I hate my spare time. Im full of fat.


10. The first couplet: busy day, idle day, happy day, worry day, hope day, work time.


11. Time comes in winter and autumn. Greetings will miss you. Happiness is the theme. Dont embarrass yourself. Dont be depressed if you want to cry. Tired to rest in the afternoon, diet on time reasonable. Weekend, SMS remind you, have a good rest, eat, play, never wronged yourself!


12. It took me a long time to think about how to greet you at the weekend. Send me a message. My cell phone is out of power. Call me. I forget my number. I want to see you. I have no money in my pocket. Forget it, youd better imagine yourself. Ill give you all the good things. You dont have to thank me, you should.


13. Second couplet: sleep, wake up, sit, lie down and stand still for a while, because of the weekend.


14. What is Friday? Friday is the light before dawn, the horizon seen by the boat, the forerunner of the weekend, the prelude to Carnival. Will the weekend be far behind after Friday? At this moment, my eyes are shining, my heart is full of galloping horses, my face pretends to be calm and tells you in a very low-key way: the weekend is coming, please be ready!


15. Open the sky, after brave; send blessings, after drinking too much; want to see you, at the weekend. I dont know if you think about me. Ive been thinking about it for five days~


16. Good scenery I will remember, good season I will be nostalgic, good information I will treasure, good friends I will cherish, good smile I will keep, good blessing I will give you, happy weekend!


17. Its said that the day when the college entrance examination results are announced happens to be the Dragon Boat Festival. As for eating zongzi or jumping on the river, do it by yourself


18. There is no language to express my missing. I miss you so much that I cant sleep. I ask you day after day. You always say that you dont have time, but you just dont want to meet me. I really want to say to you: its weekend, pay back the money quickly!


19. Good wind, good month, good mood, good food, good drink, good dream, good luck, good fun, good family, good Corning, the weekend is here, give you 12 good things, I wish you a good life, a good family, a happy weekend!


20. The bell is ticking, the message is crackling and busy, the blessing is bumping and bumping, the greetings are chirping, the weekend is chattering, the missing is chirping, Im giggling, youre silly. Ha, happy weekend!


21. Morning is the beginning of happiness, evening is the end of worry, sunny is the beginning of happiness, rain is the node of sorrow. No matter in the morning or in the evening, no matter in sunny or rainy days, please delete yesterdays worries, choose todays happiness and set tomorrows happiness. When the weekend comes, you must be relaxed and happy!


22. The emperor summoned me to take the opportunity to deliver the goods to heaven, saying: in recent days, people have been bothered, stressed, tired and often doing evil, disturbing them to sleep, so they are sent to the back of their heads, and three happy, comfortable and healthy people are sent to comfort them, so that they can rest and dream happily. Chinbi! My golden mouth has opened, and you are not fast to sleep? Ha ha, dear friends, come on Friday, and have a good weekend Rest!


23. Since the holiday. I dont know the day of the week.



